Jon Mus pic

Hello, I'm Jon. I'm a Software Developer with 5+ years of experience. I enjoy building web-apps. My focus is mostly React (Next.js).

About me

With over 5 years of experience successfully building and deploying full-stack MERN applications, I have strong proficiency in JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js and experience containerizing apps with Docker, testing code using unit-tests (Jest, React-testing-library, etc), and learning quickly - making me an excellent fit for this full stack developer role requiring expertise across the MERN stack.

I have a strong understanding of JavaScript (ES6) fundamentals and modern front-end development practices, including ES6 syntax and module bundlers like Webpack. Extensive experience in React with proficiency in Redux state management, React Hooks, Component Communication, and lifecycle methods. Skilled in creating interactive applications by integrating web services using RESTful APIs and building web service APIs adhering to the REST architecture. Familiarity with testing frameworks like Jest and Mocha for unit and integration testing of React components. In-depth involvement in all stages of the development cycle for Single-Page Applications.

Ability to optimize React.js applications for improved performance and accessibility using techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and server-side rendering.

Additionally, I have a Master's in Computer Science degree. Fun fact, I am fluent in 3 languages: English, Russian and Uzbek.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy walking outside, watching movies, and working out. I also am very passionate learning new things. I am currently learning about history and philosophy of different cultures.

My skills

My education

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.